Personal Talent Explorer has been developed to support individuals and organisations in maximally raising everyday personal well being as well as business prosperity. This principle has been translated into the sentence “We let you bring out the magic that lies within.”

Where other psychometric instruments show what somebody does, Personal Talent Explorer shows why they do it. This view offers not only a unique depth, it also and above all delivers specific results on the area of personal development.

From the vision that there is a unique potential in everyone which can be used immediately, Personal Talent Explorer facilitates the process of getting to the core around which the person revolves by getting insight in the individual decision process – the ‘why’.

This vision provides us with a huge number of information from the science of psychology compressed in an online tool which gives a wide and comprehensive insight in why people do what they do. In just half an hour, Personal Talent Explorer offers direct applicable handles for personal develeopment. This unique benefit makes Personal Talent Explorer suitable as succession on other psychometric tools such as PI, MBTI, Belbin and Big Five.



Beginning of the research by W.V.M. de Roy:

1978 research at the University of Utrecht – evolution of the first version of the Roos van de Roy.

Wil de Roy (1923 – 2008)

Wil de Roy graduated cum laude in the psychological faculty of the University in Utrecht in 1978. Together with other colleagues he designed a psychologic model based on prof. B.C.J. Lievegoed’s ‘decision-making model’. His extensive network and research gave him an opportunity to test out this model in different cultures and so he enhanced the original basemodel to the access which he has laid in his manuscript; ”The human being as an open system – a core theory how to achieve personal development and happiness.”. Untill 3 months before his death he has supported people and consulted companies in their development.

1995 Development test “Do you know yourself”, the precursor of the Personal Talent Explorer.

1998 Publication of the research of personality changes after application of W.V.M. de Roy’s method.



Development of Personal Talent Explorer by W.V.M. de Roy in cooperation with his son, Arjan de Roy



Personal Talent Explorer has been implemented in different organizations and is still being developed.