Every coach knows it: once somebody has an insight in why they do something, they have a key to the solution at their fingertips. From the vision that work from the why leads to the real breakthroug, Personal Talent Explorer is preeminently suitable by resolving targeted coaching. Because the ‘why’ makes insightful both personal and business life, the coach can get to work not only fast and effectively, but especially sustainably.


By presuming on the intrinsic motivation and transfering this particularity to action points which can be immediately applied by the participant, the coaching becomes a section of breakthroughs. The participant is aware of his added value – their uniqueness – to their enviroment. This awareness combined with the possibilities which offers the reality – the situation – results in particular progress during coaching.


To keep this proces effective and efficient, Personal Talent Explorer is completely online.

Coaches who work with Personal Talent Explorer, dispose of an personal environment in which they can make, save and analyse their reports of participants. This means that the coach can send an invitation to a participant to fill in the questionary.

A participant fills in a questionary for maximum half an hour, after which a report is generated with individual preferences and coaching needs. These needs can be connected to the possibilites inside the current reality of the participant in terms of decisions, action points and emotions.

Personal Talent Explorer gives insight in the potential of the participant inside their reality. The coaching section receives individual character by claiming the intrinsic motivation of the employee. With this the potential of the participant becomes unlocked.


Personal Talent Explorer gets fast and effectively to the corn; why people do what they do?

Personal Talent Explorer gives particular handles on how to use intrinsic motivation – the ‘why’- in the coaching section.

With help of Personal Talent Explorer these handles are converted to relevant and concrete coaching.

Personal Talent Explorer ables you to fill in a coaching programme that is sustainable, because it is based on the intrinsic motivation of the participant.

Personal Talent Explorer gives a structure to coaching.

Personal Talent Explorer forms a welcome supplement on other psychometric instruments.

Personal Talent Explorer increases the output of your coaching.